
Welcome to Fare and Flora - I'm Madeline. Beginning about 10 years ago in high school, I was extremely bloated and exhausted every single day. One by one, my nails started breaking, crumbling, and lifting away from the nail bed (I would later find out that this is nail psoriasis, an autoimmune disease). Later, in college, my hair began falling out at an inexplicable and frightening rate. For most of those 10 years, I struggled with fatigue, exhaustion, and anxiety. All along, I’ve researched, experimented, and paid close attention to my body, becoming more and more in tune with its needs. I got pretty far in my health journey simply with the help of food, herbs/medicinal plants, and small lifestyle changes, but have reached a new level by focusing on non-toxic household products and daily practices that optimize health and happiness. For more about my process of greatly improving my psoriasis, check out this blog post.

Now that I’ve reached a place of good, consistent health and balance, my passion for plant-based food has remained, but shifted to more of a planetary / environmental focus. If we each eat, on average, 3 meals per day, we have over 1,000 chances a year to vote with our plates for a more sustainable system and better future. Food is just one aspect, though, and I think it’s so important to find as many ways as we can, small and large, to reduce our environmental impact. My hope with this blog is to share information and inspire you to create health in your body, home, and this shared home: Earth!

Happy healing!


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Note -

I am not a medical professional. All content on this blog is a collection of personal experiences and gathered information from different sources. This is not meant to diagnose or prescribe - it is merely a record and reflection of what I have learned and what has helped me along my healing journey.