Butternut Squash Pizza

A personal sized pizza with a thin, rustic crust, topped with roasted butternut squash, caramelized onions, melted vegan mozzarella cheese, dried cranberries, and topped with fresh arugula.

This butternut squash pizza has it all: salty, savory, earthy sweetness, tart, peppery, creamy, and crispy! The flavors are so complimentary and are elevated far beyond the typical pizza toppings.

Inspired by the butternut squash pizza at True Food Kitchen, I started with the foundational elements of butternut squash, caramelized onions, and dried cranberries, but used this homemade garlic sauce as the base plus store-bought vegan cheese instead of ricotta (though a tofu ricotta would be phenomenal on this as well). The “fall weather” here in Texas still looks like 70-80 degrees, so rather than using hearty kale like True Foods, I topped the pizza with fresh arugula (we actually like to wilt it on top of the pizza in the last few minutes of cooking). As I continue to make this pizza into the winter, I will likely try a version with kale and ricotta!

A personal sized pizza with a thin, rustic crust, topped with roasted butternut squash, caramelized onions, melted vegan mozzarella cheese, dried cranberries, and topped with fresh arugula.

Roasting the butternut squash simply with some olive oil and salt brings out an incredible amount of flavor and a buttery texture in the center. I only use half of a butternut squash for enough pizza for the two of us, but I like to go ahead and roast the entire squash so I have the rest ready to go for a pasta dish, buddha bowl, or to blend into soup.

You might be able to tell from the photos that I like my caramelized onions pretty charred. You certainly don’t have to take them this far.

A personal sized pizza with a thin, rustic crust, topped with roasted butternut squash, caramelized onions, melted vegan mozzarella cheese, dried cranberries, and topped with fresh arugula.

Ever since becoming plant-based, I haven’t been a huge pizza fan; in fact, I’ve actively avoided it. Of course, finding a good vegan cheese has something to do with it, but I just find red sauce and veggies on crust to be pretty “blah.” Charlie (my fiancé), on the other hand, loves pizza and frequently asks for it - I always feel bad for turning him down because it never sounds good to me.

This recipe has changed the game for me. I’ve been making it for us almost every week - it has easily become one of our favorite recipes this season! It is so cozy, comforting, and indulgent and feels like we’re taking full advantage of autumn flavors. I love that the taste and texture are so complex and decadent, but like all things plant-based, it doesn’t leave me feeling heavy and lethargic like the non-vegan version would.

A bright orange butternut squash that has been peeled and cut in half, lengthwise,

I cut the butternut squash into about 1/4” slices and then cut those down to about 1” wide pieces.















Slice up and roast the entire butternut squash at once, and make the whole batch of the garlic sauce. Save the extra half of each in the fridge and add to pasta with some greens for an easy meal later in the week. Alternatively, I’ve been prepping these two components and making the pasta dish on the first night because it’s less work than making the pizza; then, the two most time consuming components are ready to go on pizza night which simplifies this recipe tremendously!


Roasted Butternut Squash Pizza

Roasted Butternut Squash Pizza

Yield: 2-3 servings or two 10" pizzas



  1. Soak the cashews for the Garlic Sauce and let your dough rise if necessary.
  2. Preheat oven to 400 F.
  3. Peel the butternut squash and cut into 1/4” slices, then cut the slices into ~1” pieces. Toss in a drizzle of olive oil and generous salt + pepper. Bake for about 30 minutes, or until buttery soft on the inside and crispy on the outside, flipping halfway through.
  4. Prepare the Truffle Garlic Sauce (without truffle oil, unless you want to add it!)
  5. Slice the onion (I like to cut the onion in quarters, then cut into about 1/4” slices), then add to a pan on medium heat with a drizzle of olive oil and generous sprinkle of salt. Cook, stirring occasionally, until the onion has caramelized. I am personally happy with lots of charring.
  6. After the butternut squash is done, leave the oven on at 400 F.
  7. If using fresh pizza dough, flour your surface and roll out to your desired shape/size. We like a pretty thin crust and roll the edges over for a slightly thicker crust at the edge. Lightly spray a baking tray with oil or use a piece of parchment paper; place crust on the tray and bake for 7 minutes. Remove from the oven but leave the oven on.
  8. Spread a generous layer of the garlic sauce on the crust. Then evenly spread out the roasted butternut squash, caramelized onions, dried cranberries, and finally top with shredded cheese.
  9. Bake pizza for about 20 minutes, or until the cheese has melted and the edges and bottom of the crust are golden.
  10. Turn the oven on broil and broil for about 5 minutes or until cheese turns golden. Keep a close eye on it so it doesn’t burn!
  11. Top with fresh arugula, or add arugula a few minutes before the pizza is done to wilt it.