Wholesome Vegan Breakfast Sandwich


I love a good breakfast sandwich. With all the amazing vegan products on the market now, such as Beyond Meat breakfast sausages, Just Egg, and the plethora of vegan cheeses, it’s really easy to make a quick and incredibly tasty vegan breakfast sandwich. I certainly indulge in these types of products, but of course, the less processed the food, the better. Particularly as I’ve been reading more and more about the importance of fiber and plant diversity in one’s diet, the more I try to find ways to sneak beans, whole grains, and vegetables into my food, and keep things as close to whole as possible.

I set out to create a more wholesome and healthy alternative to a sausage or bacon and egg breakfast sandwich, while maintaining the main flavor elements and a variety of textures to satisfy that craving. While the components take a bit more preparation than a more processed version, you’ll have leftovers to make several sandwiches with.

These ingredients are anti-inflammatory and far more nutritious than a regular breakfast sandwich; not to mention, will leave you feeling much lighter afterward!

The components of this sandwich are:

  • wholegrain bread - sweet, nutty, and serves up a good dose of fiber

  • oil-free, bean-based mayo - adds some moisture to the sandwich, flavorful, and…more fiber!

  • tempeh bacon - smoky, salty, and crisp, protein

  • ‘eggy’ tofu - soft, cheesy / eggy flavor, and more protein!

  • optional condiments and veggie toppings (I like hot sauce, tomato, and sprouts)

To set real expectations here, the bean-based mayo is somewhere between hummus and mayo in texture. Regardless, the flavor is really nice and zesty, and adds a nice layer of moisture against the toasted bread and for the tofu to sink into.









To Make the Bean Mayo
  1. Blend all ingredients in a food processor or blender. 
To Make the Tempeh Bacon
  1. Thinly slice the tempeh. 
  2. Mix all of the remaining ingredients in a large, flat bottomed container or baking dish to create a marinade. 
  3. Toss the tempeh in the marinade and store in the fridge until ready to cook. (You can cook the tempeh right away, but it's best to let it marinate for at least 5-10 minutes)
  4. Pan fry on medium heat in a small amount of oil until dark brown and crispy.
To Make the
  1. Drain and discard the liquid from the package of tofu. Gently press to remove additional liquid, Wrap the block of tofu in a kitchen towel and continue to press gently to remove more moisture.
  2. Cut the tofu into small cubes.
  3. Mix the remaining ingredients in a large bowl or, preferably, a flat bottomed container to create a marinade.
  4. Toss the cubes of tofu in the marinade. Refrigerate until ready to use. (You can cook it right away).
  5. Pan fry on medium heat in a small amount of oil until a bit browned and crispy around the edges, or at the very least, heated through.
To Assemble
  1. Toast 2 slices of whole grain bread.
  2. Spread a few tablespoons of the bean mayo on the toast. 
  3. Add hot sauce and / or dijon mustard, if you like it.
  4. Add slices of tomato and sprouts or greens of choice, and/or any other toppings you desire. 
  5. Layer on the tempeh bacon and 'eggy' tofu. 

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